Cable entry systems for railway technology - Fire resistance of fire barriers according to EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30) - icotek ระบบเคเบิลสำหรับเทคโนโลยีรถไฟ - การทนไฟของแผงกันไฟตามมาตรฐาน EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30) | Mga sistema ng pagpasok ng cable para sa teknolohiya ng tren - Paglaban sa sunog ng mga hadlang sa sunog ayon sa EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30) | Hệ thống cáp vào công nghệ đường sắt - Khả năng chống cháy của hàng rào chống cháy theo EN 45545-3 (E45 / EI30) | Sistem entri kabel untuk teknologi perkeretaapian - Tahan api penghalang api menurut EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30)
The European railway standard for fire safety EN 45545-3 regulates the fire resistance of fire barriers. The requirements and measures defined in this part of the standard aim to protect passengers and staff in trains against onboard fire incidents. icotek cable entry systems meet the classifications E45 and EI30. Find out more »
Well tested & certified
Numerous certifications (IP, UL Type Rating according to UL50E, UL recognized,...) make icotek a reliable partner for railway technology. Due to the high quality of icotek products, good fire protection can be achieved according to EN 45545-2 in the category HL3 (Hazard Level 3) and EN 45545-3 (E45 and EI30). Furthermore, numerous icotek products have been subjected to a vibration and shock test according to EN 61373 with positive results. Certificates or declarations of conformity can be requested directly from us.
Split cable entry frame, IP66 / UL Type 12/4X*
Grommet based cable entry with IFPS fire penetration seals acc. to EN 45545-3 for standard cut-outs of heavy industrial connectors. Available as single or double row version. |
Split cable entry frame, IP54 / UL Type 12
Grommet based cable entry frames with IFPS fire penetration seals acc. to EN 45545-3 suitable for cut-outs of heavy industrial connectors. Available as single or double row version. |
Heavy duty cable entry plate, IP66/IP68 / UL Type 12/4X*
Heavy duty cable entry plate with IFPS fire penetration seals acc. to EN 45545-3. |
Cable entry plates, high cable density, IP66 / UL Type 12
Cable entry plates for standard cables with IFPS fire penetration seals acc. to EN 45545-3. |
Fire penetration seals, single
Fire penetration seals for certified icotek BS cable entry components, approved for use in railway technology. |
Fire barriers can have different standards:
The lowest standard “E” Barrier against flames, preventing fissure formation. "E45", for example, means that the specimen can withstand the test for 45 minutes. The highest standard “EI” Barrier against flames, preventing fissure formation and thermal insulation, which means that the temperature on the side facing away from the fire must not exceed 392° F (180° K above room temperature). "EI30", for example, means that the specimen can withstand the test for 30 minutes. |
Based on the standards EN 45545-3 and EN 1363-1 icotek cable entry systems have been tested on "E" and "EI" in vertical alignment using mounted IFPS fire penetration seals. All tested products have been successfully certified using only one layer of fire penetration seals. Furthermore, conventional cables instead of fire-resistant railway cables have been used for the testing.
icotek cable entry systems meet the classifications E45 and EI30! |
icotek : Cable entry systems for railway technology |
Fire resistance of fire barriers according to EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30)
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Fire resistance of fire barriers according to EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30)
icotek Malaysia Authorized Distributors | Pengedar icotek di Malaysia | icotek Thailand Authorized Distributors | icotek ตัวแทนจำหน่ายในประเทศไทย | icotek Indonesia Distributors | icotek Singapore Distributors | icotek Philippines Distributors | mga distributor sa icotek | mga distributor ng icotek | icotek Vietnam Distributors | icotek Myanmar Distributors | អ្នកចែកចាយ icotek | icotek Burma Distributors | icotek Laos Distributors | ຕົວແທນຈໍາຫນ່າຍ icotek | icotek Brunei Distributors | icotek Timor Leste |Distributors | distribuidores icotek | icotek Nepal Distributors | icotek वितरकहरू | icotek Bangladesh Distributors | icotek পরিবেশক | icotek Sri-Lanka Distributors | icotek බෙදාහරින්නන් | icotek Cambodia Distributors | icotek Pakistan Distributors | icotek Bhutan Distributors | icotek Africa | icotek verspreiders | icotek 经销商 | nhà phân phối icotek | pemasok icotek | icotek ဖြန့်ဖြူးသူများ | الموزعين icotek | icotekディストリビューター | icotek 대리점 | icotek ประเทศไทย ซัพพลายเออร์ | icotek ਥਾਈਲੈਂਡ ਸਪਲਾਇਰ
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